Do you have reading habits? Most people stop reading once they finish their education. Reading is one of the best habits you should have to improve your life.
Leaders are readers. Do you want to be successful in your life? Start reading whichever book makes you interested. It may be fiction or nonfiction.
You may say I don’t have time. Ask yourself if you have time to check your email, social media feeds and watching TV, playing games, etc.
Start with one page a day. Every day I start to increase page count. Books can make you better at everything in life or business. In the beginning, it may be hard to make a habit.
Read good books which give your knowledge and power to improve your life. You can learn a lot of things in books instead of trying and making mistakes.
By reading books you can avoid mistakes which others have already shared with you through reading. Take books wherever you go, it may be hard copy or digital ebooks etc.
Start reading and you will enjoy it once it starts.
It’s fine one day you may miss reading. Allot time to read and set the timer in your clock for reading time.