Creative Trespassing

Creative Trespassing
Category: Self-Help

How to Put the Spark and Joy Back into Your Work and Life

Creative disruptor, inspirational speaker, and co-creator of the internationally viral campaign #ItWasNeverADress shows you how to put the spark back into your work and life.

“You don’t have to turn into a corporate drone to kick ass in the working world,” says Tania Katan. After more than ten years of smuggling creativity into the business sector without getting busted, Katan is here to tell you that any task or pursuit can be a creative one. You just need to be willing to defy conformity and be ready to conjure imagination anywhere, at any time.

If you’re feeling stuck in a dullsville job, a windowless cubicle, or an ill-fitting polyester work shirt, chin up! Katan has been there, too, and she’s lived to tell the story.

How? By choosing to stand out rather than fit in, to find her light, and to bask in it with all of her quirks and flaws. “The moment you choose to let the world see the real you—messy, imperfect, warts and all,” she says, “is the moment you choose to shine too.”

Whether you’re an entrepreneur seeking new ways to innovate, a newbie trying to spice up routine entry-level work, a free spirit with a rich creative life outside the office looking to bring more of that magic into your job, or just someone who occasionally feels the urge to scream “Why does it say paper jam when there is no paper jam?!!,” Katan will show you how to transform monotony into novelty and become more energized in your work and in the world.

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