The Set and Forget 11% Portfolio

The Set and Forget 11% Portfolio
Category: Personal Finance

A Low Risk ETF Investing Strategy That Averages Over 11% Annually and Requires Just 4 Trades a Year

Would you like to never have to worry about picking stocks again? To have a portfolio that you literally set up once, and then touch just 4 times a year? A portfolio that is not only safe during crashes, but also averages over 11% a year? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this book is for you!

In The Set & Forget Portfolio, author Tim Morris takes your hand and shows you exactly how to implement this amazing strategy. In Chapter 1

Tim goes over the key terms needed to understand why this portfolio works so well.

In Chapter 2 and 3

Tim goes over the investments this portfolio includes.

In Chapter 4

Tim shows you the portfolio in action with charts and statistics. And

In Chapter 5

Tim answers the most common questions readers have related to this strategy. This may just be the best long term portfolio you will ever discover!

Here Are More Facts About the Book:

● This portfolio is very safe! During the last three crashes, the worst annual return this portfolio had was just -1.75%. Compare this to the -37% return of the S&P 500 for that same year!

● The portfolio requires just 4 trades a year, of which very little is destined to short term capital gains tax. Meaning the government doesn’t get to touch your money!

● This portfolio includes dividends, meaning you always get paid each quarter.

● This portfolio is perfect for 401Ks, IRAs, and personal stock accounts.

● Included in the book are detailed charts and figures, showing you a history of this portfolio in action for the last 32 years.

● This portfolio works even if you live in a country besides the United States.

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