Your Fiscal Physical

Your Fiscal Physical

Almost 75% of Americans rank money management as their number one cause of stress. You don’t have to be one of them anymore. Improve your financial literacy and take control of your finances with Your Fiscal Physical. Each chapter takes you through one of seven key areas to improve your money management skills and work toward financial independence.

Your Fiscal Physical is ideal for:

  • Young adults and teens looking to take their first steps on their financial journey
  • Recent graduates looking to minimize the impact of student debt and maximize retirement planning
  • Established earners who want to create a family budget, learn to invest, and/or increase savings
  • People nearing retirement age who want to ensure their future financial security
  • Retirees searching for more confidence in their financial security throughout retirement

Whether you’re a personal finance beginner or you’re simply looking for a fresh perspective, you’ll find realistic, actionable advice covering the most critical areas of effective financial management.

Your Fiscal Physical is written by a financial advisor with years of experience empowering people at all stages of life and wealth to make positive, lasting changes. Ryan Nelson shares his expertise in easy-to-understand lessons without any sales pitch or agenda.

Each chapter of the book focuses on a different, critical area of fiscal planning, including:

  • The Psychology of Money
  • Budgeting
  • Understanding Your Credit Score
  • Managing Debt
  • Retirement Planning
  • Investing
  • Risk Management and Life Insurance
  • Tax Management
  • Estate Planning

Complex topics, like investment management and retirement planning, are broken down into manageable segments and explained with useful graphics. The end of each chapter contains key takeaways, and action items you can use to create a to-do list and make progress on your money management goals.

True financial security doesn’t have to be limited to the 1%. If you’re ready to pursue financial freedom, and eliminate one of life’s biggest stressors, Your Fiscal Physical is the personal finance workbook you need.

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