Whether it is good or your past experience is great learning for life. Everyone has it. Most of the time good things happen in life. We never remember that only bad experiences.
Life through a lot of challenges that most of us don’t take it. We are avoiding or escaping from it. Instead of taking it as a challenge to win a life.
Your past experience always helps to avoid future mistakes. Sometimes these experiences can guide you to go in the right direction. The only thing you need to know is what is right and wrong.
Even sometimes everything will go wrong only post-experience can save from the problems.
Stop worrying about the past failure learn from that and move on and have a great life. Without any experience, you will not have life. You need to learn to live by that.
Every day is a great experience for life. Today you may be doing mistakes but next day, week, month, the year you can improve it. Why should ashamed of doing mistakes it’s common in everyone’s life.
Your life will lot of lessons which most of us don’t listen to. Doing the same mistake, again and again, leads to more frustration and procrastination.
Review every day and week and monthly basis where you have done a mistake how can you improve it.
Don’t create a comfort zone for yourself. You have to aim for bigger things in life. Trying hard enough to get the things you need will give experience which may success or failure.
Your experience helps others also. You can share with others to avoid their future mistakes. Most of us learn great things from others only through books, sharing experiences with other people.
Little steps every day can lead a better life even it will not the same day full of joy, Ups and downs are always common. Life is a great gift where your experience is gold.